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Sunday, July 5, 2009

Zing Ballyhoo Came!!! The ZB Mystery Item is revealed...... A Woodsman Hat

First you need to find ZB in the Treehouse Lobby
ZB= Zing Ballyhoo

Click the Golden Ticket Icon in the Middle Right Side of your screen

Find Golden Tickets all around the grounds

When you find Ten go to ZB and....

Click ZB and this optional menu will come up

And your prize will be unveiled
Heres Me with the ZB Mystery Item
If you click ZB again and this message will appear
Some people guessed what it would be. Some people thought it would be a hat. which but was right but not specific. But Monferno from the Pandanda Society guessed right without seeing it and he was right it is a Woodsman Hat.
Nice Thinking Monferno
-Pandanda Agents

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