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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Memeberships Now Available!!!!!!!!!!! and Cinema Transforms into Pet Shop

Memberships Are Now Available!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alot of Pandas Are Elite Pandas!!!
The Pandanda Cinema has turned into a Pet Shop!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pets will be revealed on The Day Pandanda goes Live!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sheriff and PandaGuide Moderator came to Pandanda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and How to join the Pandanda Agency Tutorial

Last Night Sheriff and PandaGuide came to Pandanda!!!

They are both cool and We all had a Great time!!! Thanks for coming to Pandanda Sheriff and PandaGuide!!!

How to Join the Pandanda Agency tutorial

Scroll down on the Pandanda Agents Site and keep your eye on the sidebar. You will then see this:
Click the Follow button above all the Agents who have joined already
P.S. I covered all the pictures for Important Purposes.

Then this will appear on your screen. Click any of them and logg in to you account of any of these.

There you have it! If you have any difficulty or problems leave a comment on this post.

Latest Pandanda Updates!!! Beta Answers, ZB Prizes, and ZB leaving PD

Since I havent been blogging for a while I have decided to update you on all the stuff the happened during my break and whats Currently happening in Pandanda Land. Here are the Past ZB Prizes from the weeks I missed:
Roman Warrior Hat
Yellow Zing Star Shirt

Stop Here!!!!
If you dont want to see
The 10th and Last ZB Prize
Stop Here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Golden Shoes

Heres Me with all three of the Prizes in this post

Zing Ballyhoo Heads South
September 6th, 2009
Hi Gang! I stopped by to visit my good friend Zing Ballyhoo yesterday and I couldn't help noticing that his tent was nearly empty and that he'd packed up most of his stuff! It turns out that Zing is planning a journey to the South to gather more prizes. He's leaving next Sunday, September 13th so he asked if I would remind everyone that they have until then to exchange their 10 golden tickets for his 10th and last prize for a while. I can't wait to see what he brings back from his journey!

Alot of Pandas have been asking what will happen to your Items after Beta ends. Henry and the Pandanda Mods have been telling us that all of the Beta Items will be kept in you backpack! Here is a list of the Items:

Snowflake Headband
Winter Party Long Sleeve Shirt
Valentines Headband
Bunny Ears Headband
Pink Easter Bunny Shirt
Blue Easter Bunny Shirt
Purple Door Guitar Shirt
4th of July Hat
Woodman's Hat
Conical Straw Hat
Tropical Player Card Background
Gold Panda Paint
Purple Pants
Gold and Blue Scarf
Roman Helmet
White "I'm a Beta" Shirt
Blue "I'm a Beta" shirt
Red and White Beanie Cap